LOS ANGELES, CA- – The Digital Age has changed daily life in countless ways, and now Gary wants to revolutionize the way businesses connect with their customers and potential clients. RinglessVoicemail, a new service solution from his Digital Consultants, provides advertisers, content publishers and other proactive companies with a fully customizable, non-intrusive yet direct way to reach out to new leads — and secure the trust of return customers. By leaving a voicemail message without ever placing an actual phone call, the tool is a discreet and reliable option for maintaining contact with a customer base; he is positive that Ringless Voicemail is the answer to the direct mail question that the 21st-century business world has been seeking.
A veteran of digital marketing with more than 25 years of experience, Gary fully understands the importance of monetizing leads and seizing opportunities created from online traffic — and Ringless Voicemail helps bridge the gap between the sales calls of the past and the seamless follow-up check-in of today. By offering companies a variety of adaptable features, the groundbreaking application also solves issues of broad-scope communication. By utilizing this effective audio message-to-voicemail contact method, users can send out everything from news updates and real-time confirmations as an auto-responder to sales follow-up calls and win-back messages to entice lapsed customers.
Another strength of Ringless Voicemail is its discreet approach. Its wide array of functions eliminates the risk of interrupting busy clients or exposing them to unwanted high-pressure sales, and, of course, delivers voicemail for free, meaning that customers never incur fees from their cell phone carrier. And as opposed to email blasts, which may be ignored, deleted or blocked by spam filters, the open rates on voicemail is practically 100 percent — a near guarantee that target audiences will hear the messages intended just for them. Another positive: all delivered messages are completely TCPA-compliant, so Ringless Voicemail users can rest assured that their operations are 100% FCC compliant.
The Managing Director of Consultants, Gary has capitalized on his wide-ranging involvement in affecting change on the digital marketing landscape. His clear insight into the field has served as the catalyst for this venture, keenly finding “revenue in the nooks and crannies of companies’ own operation,” as he so succinctly puts it. Ringless Voicemails is the wave of the future!